Audi Q7 3.0 TDI Chiptuning
Audi Q7 3.0 TDI
Boost performance with the CPA PowerBox
We tested the Audi Q7 3.0 TDI. Visually, he was already able to convince us very much. But we wanted to tease out a few horses from the engine. With the help of intensive long-term tests for data acquisition and specially developed and specially adapted software, the CPA engineers were able to get an additional power of up to 68 hp and an impressive 156 Nm. A great variant is also the CPA ConnectiveSystem - the combination of engine tuning and accelerator pedal tuning. Easily set the desired performance increase for your Audi Q7 from the interior at the touch of a button.
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Eisenbahnstraße 20
73235 Weilheim an der Teck